Journal Entry

Thoughts circulate in the quietness and stillness. Ideas arise out of seemingly nowhere and marinate in creativity – this is how you know you should be in these places. There is a distinct type of stillness and silence that connects you to everything, and yet is powerful and loud enough to be heard. It keeps you grounded and present to yourself in the moment. Once you go your own way, never apologise for doing so. There are no guarantees on this path. You will lose friends, perhaps even some loved ones and maybe even family, but this is your journey and not theirs. There are but a few guarantees whilst on the journey, and one of them being that you will live in your truth and essence, and start to glimpse your true potential. This journey will be tough. It will challenge you in ways that not much else ever will. But you will find your place under the sun, and that is enough for you to start becoming. Truly becoming. The surest way to misery is to live a life that your soul cannot dance its own unique dance to. The surest way to madness is not following your heart and soul, and not listening to that silent but prominent voice within. When an artist is free, and immersed in his art, he creates differently. When he is imprisoned, his art lacks colour, it lacks life, and thus so does he. Once you go your own way, you will understand just how lifeless and colourless you have been for all of this time. Once you go your own way, as lonely as you may feel, you will start to understand just how full your life is here. 

 Pictured: Bianca of Ourano pointing Greywing Francolin in the beautiful Highlands we are constantly inspired by and content in.