Field Journal Entry

2570m up with Aera and Baggio of Ourano Pointers. 

Behind us is the old Transkei. Just beyond that is Lesotho. It’s a hard slog up, but it is always worth it. Lots of Greywing Francolin. And just plain beauty as far as one can see. 

We sat there a while amongst the natural splendour. With various Martins, Swallows and Swifts, gliding around us just above our heads, showing incredible feats of aerial acrobatics in their aerial predation pursuits. Such interesting birds, and so hard to identify each one at times. It’s unreal to think that some of them (the Swifts) sleep on the wing at high altitudes. Interesting birds. Aera found the first covey a couple hundred meters upon being on the top flats, a second a few hundred meters after that, and then Baggio got in on the action too with a third covey, all within 1km of one another. Good start. 

A kettle of Cape Vultures circled a bit beyond us, no doubt with some carrion on the ground. Such a pristine, prime, Afromontane biome and environment. The variety of grasses, shrubs, and flowers is magical, and the stretches of vistas and views is bewildering at times. 

Do less with more, and more with the less. 

Always chasing the horizon.