Pointer Ponderings

‘There is something grandiose about a Pointer in full gallop, something paradoxical in that it plays on various emotions depending on the person; it can either stir the soul and bring on pure and utter admiration, adulation and even yield one emotional or it can completely intimidate and leave one uneasy due to its range and sheer power. Of course the latter are usually owners of other credible breeds of gun dogs, and the former are out and out Pointer enthusiasts, but neither are incorrect in their feelings and assessments, for a Pointer is all of those aspects rolled into one extremely capable upland hunting specialist. No mountain too high, no ground too rocky, and no wind too strong. He will leave you speechless in the best of ways and of course in the worst of ways too. But make no mistake he does this because it is what he was bred to do, it is all he knows – and to inhibit this in any way is a disservice to the breed. The Pointer lives on the edge, that is where he is most comfortable and that is who he is. It is up to us to garner the courage and go and live there on the edge with him, for he does not belong in our comfortable world.’

Always chasing the horizon,


The sequence of photos captures Bulton of Oscar and his daughter Aera of Ourano in gallop on one of our concessions in the mountains.